+31 318 745 175 info@world-horses.com

Request for certification


We can take care of your Inspection Request, Traces or Certification


In order to transport horses to another country within or outside Europe, it is necessary that your horse is inspected or certified. These inspections take place at our location (if transported from the Netherlands), which means you will benefit from a more favourable rate.  In other countries than the Netherlands you need to have the medical examiner come by yourself.

As an additional service we can apply for traces for both individuals and companies.  We can do this for every country in Europe. Applying for these examinations and/or certifications has become a complicated operation. For many it is almost impossible to carry out.  We will gladly take this off your hands.

Complex procedures also apply to horses exported outside the EU. The regulations for the different destination countries can vary considerably. World Horse Transport can help you with the export papers for a large number of countries. WHT also has certificates from a number of countries or country combinations.  If these are not available for your destination country, we can arrange this for you in consultation with the NVWA.

For more information or a quotation, please feel free to contact us via the contact- or quotation request page or via info@horsetransport.world


Inspections at WHT Spain

At WHT Spain we can also apply for your inspections for transport from within and outside Europe. The company Equus Export, part of World Horse Transport Netherlands, collect your horses in Spain and provides inspections and traces prior to transport. For more information about our Spanish department, or contact one of our employees there, see www.equusexport.world.