+31 341 796100 info@world-horses.com


All our transports and vehicles comply with the latest legal requirements in accordance with Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2005 of 22 December 2004 on the protection of animals during transport and related operations and amending Directives 64/432/EEC and 93/119/EC and Regulation (EC) No 1255/97.

Approval number of World Horse Transport BV 320480

Our NVWA transport licence (type 2) according to Article 11(1) Regulation 1/2005 applies to :

Animal transports < 65 kilometres (short transports)
Animal transports < 8 hours (short transports)
Animal transports > 8 hours (long transports)

Our trucks are RDW approved and have the relevant RDW certificates of approval for long journeys in accordance with Article 18 Regulation (EC) No. 1/2005.

We are also certified by the authorities and licensors listed below:  

Certificates and Approvals:

NIWO License

NVWA License for Transporters

Certificate of approval of the road transport means VRF-73-V
Certificate of approval of the road means of transport Q-AKM-305
Certificate of approval of the road transport equipment VRF-13-X
Certificate of approval of the road transport equipment Q-ANY-554
Certificate of approval of the road transport equipment 2-BWC-998
Certificate of approval of the road transport equipment 09-BGD-5


Member of the ATA


Animal Transportation Association

World Horses BV is a member of the Animal Transport Association, an international non-profit organization whose goal is safe and humane animal transportation. The ATA is a multi-party organization with a worldwide membership. They serve as a resource for those who care about the humane handling and transport of animals. ATA initiates and encourages related organizations to develop ‘best practices’ for the transportation of animals, and in our case horses.